Saturday, December 19, 2015

Speak Out - 2015 Survey on the State of our Family Courts

As a consumer of Judicial Services rarely have you ever been given the opportunity to provide feedback to your Family Court system on how they are doing. There is no exit survey on the experience you just had. As a result our Family Court system has no idea on how well (or badly) it is doing.

Until now.

We want to know what your experience has been as a consumer, lawyer, judge or Guardian ad litem (and other court vendors) within this system. The data collected will be used and provided to our representatives as well as the Judicial Branch and the Department of Justice (DOJ).

The survey on the state of our Family Courts asks 13 questions anonymously and provides you an opportunity to expand on any and all of the topics.

In January 2016 we will be publishing the results of this survey.

2015 State of Family Courts [ LINK ]


  1. When a GAL refuses to report child abuse seen and stated by the children and parent. She is in politics with the other parent and tells the judge she has no concern. The kids are calling the police who do nothing because they are friends with the other parent. Can the other parent file anything because the judge refuses an in camera hearing.So who is accountable for the safety & well being of the children.

  2. In Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Guardian Ad Lietem Program in Family Court here is atrocious.
