Sunday, March 18, 2018

Can Family Courts be Fixed?

Do you believe that having cameras in Family Courts would increase court accountability?

1 comment:

  1. Cameras in the courts alone will not fix family courts. There are many ways a corrupt GAL and Judge can twist the facts and law, and the appeals courts will most likely back up and protect their buddies in the lower courts. There needs to be major reform in our country's family courts. However the legislature (attorneys) will not act on this issue because there is to much money in it for the courts, state agencies, attorneys, guardian ad litems and other so called experts making money off this lucrative industry. "The Divorce industry is a 50 Billion dollor industry" There are also other websites trying to expose the corruption in our nation's family courts. I have read and believe the mainstream media usually will not report on the problems in our courts for fear of retaliation from the courts. Sad to say one day when there are enough children and families destroyed by this evil system, hopefully the legislature will be forced to act.
